Sie hat eine zehnjährige Praxis an der Klinik für kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie und Zahnkliniken hinter sich. Das Wichtigste für sie ist es anderen zu helfen. Die Arbeit in der Bulovka Dental Clinic gefällt ihr wegen der Möglichkeit ein Teil eines Teams von Spezialisten auf ihrem Gebiet zu sein.
Ihre Empfehlung an die Patienten ist klar: „Prävention und Zahnhygiene.“
Die Bulovka Dental Clinic, a.s. ist eine private medizinische Einrichtung in Praha 8, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Krankenhauses Nemocnice na Bulovce. Die moderne Zahnklinik bietet ihren Klienten eine komplexe Zahnpflege und hochwertige Lösungen für medizinische und ästhetische Probleme im Rahmen ihrer Anforderungen und finanziellen Möglichkeiten. Die Bulovka Dental Clinic hat Ambitionen die beliebteste Zahnklinik in der Tschechischen Republik zu werden.
Chlumčanského 497/5
180 00 Praha 8
Tel: +420 733 143 111
Az.: B 25403, Stadtgericht in Prag
Sitz: Praha 4, Krč, Pacovská 2104/1
Ident. Nr.: 09259392
Mitglied der Finanzgruppe SPGroup a.s.
© 2021 Bulovka Dental Clinic, a.s.
Based on the completed questionnaire, you will be contacted by a representative of the personnel department of Bulovka Dental Clinic, a.s.
By sending data and your CV to Bulovka Dental Clinic as, IČ: 09259392, with its registered office at Pacovská 2104/1, Krč, 140 00 Prague 4, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (general Regulation on personal data protection (GDPR) and their storage in the personnel database of this company, in order to find employment for your person and for subsequent communication, ie you agree to their storage on data carriers, editing, searching in them, sorting, combining, making available Your pre-approved employers for the purpose of job offers and liquidations. Personal data will be processed to the full extent provided by you (especially name, email address, telephone, CV, etc.) and stored in electronic form (in the form of files) on an encrypted storage. Personal data will not be provided to third parties and will be accessible only to the relevant employee, the management of our company and further employers approved by you, requesting the position. Personal data will be shredded within 5 years from the date of their provision (unless the applicable regulations require retention for a longer period). Each data subject is entitled to request from us information on what personal data we process, an explanation regarding the processing of personal data, to request access to this data from us and to have it updated or corrected, to request the deletion of this personal data. The consent can be withdrawn at any time, for example by sending an email or a letter to the contact details of our company, and this request will be complied with, except in cases of legal obligations.